How to Stake Eggs for xEgg
Step 1:
Go to and unlock your wallet.
Step 2:
From there you'll be able to see the "Chicken Coop" where you can stake Eggs (turning it into xEgg) in order to earn part of the 0.05% trade fee from all pools on the exchange.
Step 3: First, you may need to "Approve" the Egg token before you are able to use it. Simply hit the "Approve Eggs" button and sign the transaction with your wallet or MetaMask.
Step 4: Once the Egg token is approved you'll be able to hit "Convert to xEgg" to stake your Egg.
Step 5: Then a new window prompt will pop-up letting you select how much EGGS you want to stake. Select the amount, hit confirm and send the transaction.
Step 6: After that you will see the xEgg available in the bar.
The amount of xEgg in the Chicken Coop will not change. But the amount of Egg it represents will. As fees are collected they are converted to $EGG and distributed proportionally across holders in the xEGG pool. So when you withdraw your xEGG back into $EGG it will be worth more $EGG than when you put in. These rewards are slower to update (because they cost a lot of gas) and so you should expect them to update, on average, once per day. Currently there is no way in the UI to see the level of rewards until you withdraw. The team is working to fix this.
Last updated
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